Friday, June 28, 2013

Shadow of the PCs: Part 2

So, time for the second of my PCs Shadows, Shadow Adiah. Well, Adiah is a Deva Avenger. Devas reincarnate when they die and the current version of Adiah has no memory of his last two "Lifetimes". So, I'm foreshadowing the reasons why that is so. And that is what most influenced my design for his Shadow. so, let us get on with the Statblock, then?

Shadow Adiah    Level 10 Solo Brute
Medium shadow humanoid (deva, shadow)    XP 2,500
HP 436; Bloodied 218
AC 22; Fortitude 23; Reflex 22; Will 22
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic, 10 radiant
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Initiative +7
Perception +7
Betrayer of Friends
Whenever Shadow Adiah makes an attack against its Oath of Destruction target, each of the target's allies adjacent to it or Shadow Adiah take 10 Poison damage.
O Void of the Soul • Aura 1
Enemies in the aura lose all resistances.
Standard Actions
m Death Blade (poison, weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (1 creature.); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 6 Damage and Ongoing 5 Poison damage(Save ends).
r Ray of Noxiousness (implement) • At-Will
Attack: Range 5 (1 creature); +13 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + 5 Poison damage. The Target is also pulled adjacent to Shadow Adiah or Falls Prone, the targets choice. If the target is Shadow Adiah's Oath of Destruction target, both happen instead.
C Poison Death Shroud (implement, poison, zone) • Encounter
Attack: Close Burst 1 (Enemies in Burst); +13 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + 6 Poison Damage and Ongoing 5 Poison damage(Save Ends).
Miss: 5 Poison damage.
Effect: A zone is made in a Burst 1 centered on Shadow Adiah. The Zone lasts until the start of Shadow Adiah's next turn. The Zone provides total Concealment and Blocks Line of sight.
Double Trouble • At-Will
Effect: Shadow Adiah makes a Basic attack, then teleports to any square adjacent to one of its Oath of Destruction targets and makes a basic Melee attack against it.
Minor Actions
C Oath of Destruction • Recharge first bloodied
Effect: Close Burst 10 (1 Enemy in Burst); Until the end of the encounter, the target is subject to Shadow Adiah's Oath of Destruction. While under Shadow Adiah's Oath of Destruction, the target has Vulnerable 5 All to all damage dealt by Shadow Adiah's attacks.
Triggered Actions
Memory of A Thousand Lifetimes • Encounter
Trigger: When the Deva makes an attack roll, skill roll or saving throw and dislikes the result.
Effect (Free): The Deva adds 1d6 to the triggering roll.
Str 15 (+7)    Dex 15 (+7)    Wis 15 (+7)
Con 21 (+10)    Int 15 (+7)    Cha 15 (+7)
Alignment chaotic evil     Languages Supernal
Equipment greatsword, cloth armor (basic clothing)

© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.

Going through this Shadows abilities out of order is counter intuitive but necessary for it.

Oath of Destruction-- So Avengers have an ability that makes it better against a certain foe. This is his version of it. Also, Shadow Adiah recharges this when he becomes Bloodied, allowing him to have multiple targets under the Oath. Of course, the first thing he did in the battle was make real Adiah his first oath target.

Betrayer of Friends-- This trait serves two purposes: 1: Foreshadowing that Adiah Betrayed his friends in a previous life. And 2: Allowing Shadow Adiah to Spread the damage around even while concentrating on his Oath target.

Void of the Soul-- Several PCs had Poison resistance at the time of this encounter, so I put this in to make him a bit more of a threat to the whole party.

Ray of Noxiousness-- I like giving my Players a choice between two very bad things. This was also a way of dealing with the Parties Swordmage's Mark. At the time i designed this, that PC had the Shielding Aegis. That PC retrained in to the Assult Aegis at 8th level. In other words, just before this was encountered. So, I made a bad choice by giving them a choice between being pulled around and falling down. BUT it was a learning experience and I learned from it.

Everything else-- is pretty much self explanatory, I think.

So, that was part two of this series. Part three is coming soon, but first I'm doing a List type thing. I'll be sharing lists of NPC Names regularly and first up is names for "Warforged/Gearforged/Robotfolk!" So, I'm hoping to have that up sometime on Tuesday.


Monday, June 17, 2013

The Shadow of the PCs. Part 1

So, later than I expected, I'm back. And I have a lot to talk about. So I'll start...

Today's topic is inspired by one of my Favorite Video Game Series, the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series. Specifically, the 4th installment of the series. Without spoiling too much of the plot, several High School Students end up gaining Mystical powers by facing the darker sides of themselves, their Shadows, and by first fighting then accepting this other side of themselves, they gain the Power of Personas that let them Investigate a great mystery. I wanted to try something like this in one of my current campaigns. So here is the first of that campaign's PC Shadows...


Shadow Vorgh    Level 9 Solo Lurker
Medium shadow humanoid (undead, vampire, shadow)    XP 2,000
HP 376; Bloodied 188
AC 24; Fortitude 21; Reflex 23; Will 22
Speed 6, teleport 3
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic, 5 radiant
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Initiative +13
Perception +6
Image of the Reaper
Vorgh grants combat advantage to Shadow Vorgh.
Reaper Man
Shadow Vorgh deals +5 damage whenever it makes an attack where it or its target are Bloodied.
Standard Actions
m Blood Sucker (implement, necrotic) • At-Will
Attack: +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 6 Necrotic damage and Shadow Vorgh gains 10 Temporary HP.
r Radiant Eyes (implement, radiant) • At-Will
Attack: Range 10 (1 creature); +12 vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + 7 Radiant damage and Ongoing 5 Radiant damage(Save Ends).
Double Trouble • At-Will
Effect: This creature makes two basic attacks and Teleports 3 squares in between the attacks.
Triggered Actions
C Bat Swarm (implement) • Encounter
Trigger: Shadow Vorgh is first Bloodied.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close Burst 1 (Creatures in Burst); +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d8 + 6.
Miss: Half Damage.
Effect: Shadow Vorgh becomes Insubstantial until the end of its next turn.
Skills Bluff +12, Intimidate +12, Stealth +14, Streetwise +12
Str 14 (+6)    Dex 20 (+9)    Wis 14 (+6)
Con 14 (+6)    Int 14 (+6)    Cha 17 (+7)
Alignment chaotic evil     Languages Common, Elven
Equipment scythe, cloth armor (basic clothing)

© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.


So, you most likely realized that real Vorgh is a Vampire class character. If not, well, Vorgh is a Vrylocka Vampire with a bit of Multi-Class Sorcerer in him. Now, why did I do what I did with this Monster? Let us go through all of these powers to so I can explain...

Image of the Reaper--In the VG, the person the Shadow belonged to was pretty much a Non-Combatant for that battle. I didn't want to exclude a player, but I wanted it to seem like they were still pretty freaked out by seeing another version of themselves and trying to fight it. I especially wanted this for the first fight vs a Shadow.

Reaper Man--This is simply a mostly minor buff that fits a vampire type creature.

Blood Sucker--Basic Melee with benifits.

Radiant Eyes--Okay, here is where it gets weird. Real Vorgh is a follower of Pelor the Sun God. Then he caught Vampirism from some random Vampire. So, In the interest of furthering his "Faith", I was going to give him a Divine Boon for defeating his Shadow, Pelor's Sun Blessing. This was a bit of forshadowing of that reward as well as a way to make Real Vorgh's Unlife a bit rough during the fight. He became a Twilight Vampire BECAUSE of this reward. I despise my life:P

Double Trouble--A basic ingredient for a Elite or Solo with a bit of a twist.

Bat Swarm--Most good Solos do something nasty when they become Bloodied. This is it.

Other Stuff- Take note of his Teleport Speed. Also, Resistance to Radiant due to the Reward I gave for beating it.

Well that is about it. Comments, suggestions, ect.