And finally, Some Ghostly Spirits.
Lesser Possesser Spirit Level 19 Minion Controller
Medium shadow humanoid (shadow, undead) XP 600
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 33; Fortitude 30; Reflex 31; Will 32
Speed 6, phasing 6 Insubstantial
Immune poison; Resist 15 necrotic, 10 psychic
Initiative +15
Perception +13
O Possession Enhancement • Aura 1
Dominated Creatures in aura gain a +2 bonus to damage. Multiple of this Aura Stack.
Standard Actions
m Necrotic Touch (necrotic) • At-Will
Attack: +23 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 15 Necrotic Damage.
R Minor Possession • Encounter
Attack: Range 5 (1 creature); +23 vs. Will
Hit: Target makes a Basic Attack or Charge Attack as a Free Action against a Creature of the Spirit's choice. The Target is considered Dominated for this action.
Skills Intimidate +21, Stealth +20
Str 19 (+13) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 19 (+13)
Con 19 (+13) Int 19 (+13) Cha 25 (+16)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Primordial
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Possesser Spirit Level 19 Controller
Medium shadow humanoid (shadow, undead) XP 2,400
HP 152; Bloodied 76
AC 33; Fortitude 30; Reflex 31; Will 32
Speed 6, phasing 6 Insubstantial
Immune poison; Resist 15 necrotic, 10 psychic
Initiative +15
Perception +13
O Fear the Possessed • Aura 2
Enemies in Aura grant Combat Advantage to Dominated Creatures.
Standard Actions
m Necrotic Touch (necrotic) • At-Will
Attack: +23 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 14 necrotic damage.
Minor Actions
R Possession (charm, psychic) • Recharge when no creature is effected by this power.
Attack: Range 5 (1 creature); +23 vs. Will
Hit: Ongoing 10 Psychic damage and Dominated(Save Ends Both).
Skills Intimidate +21, Stealth +20
Str 19 (+13) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 19 (+13)
Con 19 (+13) Int 19 (+13) Cha 25 (+16)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Primordial
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Greater Possesser Spirit Level 19 Elite Controller (Leader)
Large shadow humanoid (shadow, undead) XP 4,800
HP 304; Bloodied 152
AC 33; Fortitude 30; Reflex 31; Will 32
Speed 6, phasing 6 Insubstantial
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic, 10 psychic
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Initiative +15
Perception +13
Blindsight 10
Standard Actions
m Necrotic Touch (necrotic) • At-Will
Attack: +23 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 14 necrotic damage.
Double Strike • At-Will
Effect: Make 2 Basic Melee Attacks.
Minor Actions
A Minor Possession • Recharge 5 6
Attack: Area Burst 1 in 5 (Enemies in burst); +23 vs. Will
Hit: Target makes a Basic Attack or Charge Attack as a Free Action against a Creature of the Spirit's choice. The Target is considered Dominated for this action.
Triggered Actions
Reverse Possession • Encounter
Trigger: This is first hit while Bloodied.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): (The creature that made the triggering attack.); The Spirit and the Soul of the Triggering Creature switch places. Other creatures need to succeed on a DC30 Insight check to realize what has happened.
Skills Intimidate +23, Stealth +20
Str 19 (+13) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 19 (+13)
Con 19 (+13) Int 19 (+13) Cha 28 (+18)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Primordial
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Halloween Monsters #4
And now for something completely different, a Zombie!
Hungry Zombie Level 3 Brute
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 150
HP 57; Bloodied 29
AC 15; Fortitude 16; Reflex 14; Will 15
Speed 4
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant
Initiative +0
Perception +6
The Zombie deals +5 damage on melee attacks against Grabbed Creatures.
Any Critical Hit against the Zombie deals +10 Damage and permenently Blinds it.
Standard Actions
m Slam • At-Will
Attack: Touch (1 creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 + 7 damage and make a "Grab" attack against the target.
M Grab • At-Will
Attack: +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: Target is Grabbed(Escape DC 15 Ends).
Str 11 (+1) Dex 8 (+0) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 17 (+4) Int 2 (–3) Cha 2 (–3)
Alignment evil Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Famished Zombie Level 13 Brute
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 800
HP 162; Bloodied 81
AC 25; Fortitude 26; Reflex 24; Will 25
Speed 4
Immune poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerability 10 radiant
Initiative +7
Perception +14
The Zombie deals +10 damage on melee attacks against Grabbed Creatures.
Any Critical Hit against the Zombie deals +20 Damage and permenently Blinds it.
Standard Actions
m Slam • At-Will
Attack: Touch (1 creature); +18 vs. AC
Hit: 3d12 + 7 damage and make a "Grab" attack against the target.
M Grab • At-Will
Attack: +16 vs. Reflex
Hit: Target is Grabbed(Escape DC 26 Ends).
Str 16 (+9) Dex 13 (+7) Wis 16 (+9)
Con 22 (+12) Int 7 (+4) Cha 7 (+4)
Alignment evil Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Hungry Zombie Level 3 Brute
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 150
HP 57; Bloodied 29
AC 15; Fortitude 16; Reflex 14; Will 15
Speed 4
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant
Initiative +0
Perception +6
The Zombie deals +5 damage on melee attacks against Grabbed Creatures.
Any Critical Hit against the Zombie deals +10 Damage and permenently Blinds it.
Standard Actions
m Slam • At-Will
Attack: Touch (1 creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 + 7 damage and make a "Grab" attack against the target.
M Grab • At-Will
Attack: +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: Target is Grabbed(Escape DC 15 Ends).
Str 11 (+1) Dex 8 (+0) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 17 (+4) Int 2 (–3) Cha 2 (–3)
Alignment evil Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Famished Zombie Level 13 Brute
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 800
HP 162; Bloodied 81
AC 25; Fortitude 26; Reflex 24; Will 25
Speed 4
Immune poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerability 10 radiant
Initiative +7
Perception +14
The Zombie deals +10 damage on melee attacks against Grabbed Creatures.
Any Critical Hit against the Zombie deals +20 Damage and permenently Blinds it.
Standard Actions
m Slam • At-Will
Attack: Touch (1 creature); +18 vs. AC
Hit: 3d12 + 7 damage and make a "Grab" attack against the target.
M Grab • At-Will
Attack: +16 vs. Reflex
Hit: Target is Grabbed(Escape DC 26 Ends).
Str 16 (+9) Dex 13 (+7) Wis 16 (+9)
Con 22 (+12) Int 7 (+4) Cha 7 (+4)
Alignment evil Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Halloween Monsters #3
Next on the List, an Artillery Skeleton!
Skeleton Bone Tosser Level 4 Artillery
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 175
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 16; Fortitude 16; Reflex 17; Will 15
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant
Initiative +6
Perception +8
Fall and Rise Again
The Skeleton has Resist 5 All while Prone. When the Skeleton Stands up,it has Combat Advantage on its next attack that turn.
Standard Actions
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 7.
r Bone Toss • At-Will
Attack: Range 10 (1 creature); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 9.
Minor Actions
Reassemble • At-Will
Effect: The Skeleton stands up from prone.
Triggered Actions
Fall Apart • At-Will
Trigger: The Skeleton takes more than 10 damage from a single attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Skeleton Falls Prone.
Rib Boomerang • Recharge 5 6
Trigger: The Skeleton makes a Ranged attack roll and dislikes the result.
Effect (Free): The Skeleton Rerolls the Attack roll and has Combat Advantage for the Reroll.
Skills Acrobatics +11
Str 15 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 12 (+3) Int 6 (+0) Cha 6 (+0)
Alignment evil Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Red Skeleton Bone Tosser Level 14 Artillery
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 1,000
HP 107; Bloodied 54
AC 26; Fortitude 26; Reflex 27; Will 25
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerability 10 radiant
Initiative +13
Perception +15
Fall and Rise Again
The Skeleton has Resist 10 All while Prone. When the Skeleton Stands up,it has Combat Advantage on its next attack that turn.
Standard Actions
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: +19 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 11.
r Bone Toss • At-Will
Attack: Range 10 (1 creature); +17 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 11.
Minor Actions
Reassemble • At-Will
Effect: The Skeleton stands up from prone.
Triggered Actions
Fall Apart • At-Will
Trigger: The Skeleton takes more than 20 damage from a single attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Skeleton Falls Prone.
Rib Boomerang • Recharge
Trigger: The Skeleton makes a Ranged attack roll and dislikes the result.
Effect (Free): The Skeleton Rerolls the Attack roll and has Combat Advantage for the Reroll.
Skills Acrobatics +18
Str 20 (+12) Dex 23 (+13) Wis 17 (+10)
Con 17 (+10) Int 11 (+7) Cha 11 (+7)
Alignment evil Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Skeleton Bone Tosser Level 4 Artillery
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 175
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 16; Fortitude 16; Reflex 17; Will 15
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant
Initiative +6
Perception +8
Fall and Rise Again
The Skeleton has Resist 5 All while Prone. When the Skeleton Stands up,it has Combat Advantage on its next attack that turn.
Standard Actions
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 7.
r Bone Toss • At-Will
Attack: Range 10 (1 creature); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 9.
Minor Actions
Reassemble • At-Will
Effect: The Skeleton stands up from prone.
Triggered Actions
Fall Apart • At-Will
Trigger: The Skeleton takes more than 10 damage from a single attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Skeleton Falls Prone.
Rib Boomerang • Recharge 5 6
Trigger: The Skeleton makes a Ranged attack roll and dislikes the result.
Effect (Free): The Skeleton Rerolls the Attack roll and has Combat Advantage for the Reroll.
Skills Acrobatics +11
Str 15 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 12 (+3) Int 6 (+0) Cha 6 (+0)
Alignment evil Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Red Skeleton Bone Tosser Level 14 Artillery
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 1,000
HP 107; Bloodied 54
AC 26; Fortitude 26; Reflex 27; Will 25
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerability 10 radiant
Initiative +13
Perception +15
Fall and Rise Again
The Skeleton has Resist 10 All while Prone. When the Skeleton Stands up,it has Combat Advantage on its next attack that turn.
Standard Actions
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: +19 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 11.
r Bone Toss • At-Will
Attack: Range 10 (1 creature); +17 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 11.
Minor Actions
Reassemble • At-Will
Effect: The Skeleton stands up from prone.
Triggered Actions
Fall Apart • At-Will
Trigger: The Skeleton takes more than 20 damage from a single attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Skeleton Falls Prone.
Rib Boomerang • Recharge
Trigger: The Skeleton makes a Ranged attack roll and dislikes the result.
Effect (Free): The Skeleton Rerolls the Attack roll and has Combat Advantage for the Reroll.
Skills Acrobatics +18
Str 20 (+12) Dex 23 (+13) Wis 17 (+10)
Con 17 (+10) Int 11 (+7) Cha 11 (+7)
Alignment evil Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Halloween Monsters #2
Next up, a Minion!
Broken Skeleton Level 4 Minion Brute
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 44
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 16; Fortitude 17; Reflex 16; Will 15
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Initiative +4
Perception +8
Standard Actions
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: +9 vs. AC
Hit: 6.
Triggered Actions
Broken But Not Buried • Encounter
Trigger: The Skeleton is destroyed by damage of a type other than Radiant.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The Skeleton takes no damage and Falls Prone. The Skeleton is considered Bloodied until the end of the Encounter.
Str 12 (+3) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 18 (+6) Int 2 (–2) Cha 2 (–2)
Alignment Languages —
Equipment none
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
And I have a higher level version too.
Broken Red Skeleton Level 14 Minion Brute
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 250
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 26; Fortitude 27; Reflex 26; Will 25
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 20 necrotic
Initiative +12
Perception +15
Standard Actions
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: +19 vs. AC
Hit: 12.
r HandAxe (weapon) • Encounter
Attack: Range 5/10 (1 creature); +19 vs. AC
Hit: 9.
Triggered Actions
Broken But Not Buried • Encounter
Trigger: The skeleton is Destroyed by Damage of a type other than Radiant.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The Skeleton takes no damage and Falls Prone. The Skeleton is considered Bloodied until the end of the Encounter.
Str 17 (+10) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 17 (+10)
Con 23 (+13) Int 7 (+5) Cha 7 (+5)
Alignment Languages —
Equipment handaxe
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Broken Skeleton Level 4 Minion Brute
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 44
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 16; Fortitude 17; Reflex 16; Will 15
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Initiative +4
Perception +8
Standard Actions
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: +9 vs. AC
Hit: 6.
Triggered Actions
Broken But Not Buried • Encounter
Trigger: The Skeleton is destroyed by damage of a type other than Radiant.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The Skeleton takes no damage and Falls Prone. The Skeleton is considered Bloodied until the end of the Encounter.
Str 12 (+3) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 18 (+6) Int 2 (–2) Cha 2 (–2)
Alignment Languages —
Equipment none
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
And I have a higher level version too.
Broken Red Skeleton Level 14 Minion Brute
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 250
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 26; Fortitude 27; Reflex 26; Will 25
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 20 necrotic
Initiative +12
Perception +15
Standard Actions
m Claw • At-Will
Attack: +19 vs. AC
Hit: 12.
r HandAxe (weapon) • Encounter
Attack: Range 5/10 (1 creature); +19 vs. AC
Hit: 9.
Triggered Actions
Broken But Not Buried • Encounter
Trigger: The skeleton is Destroyed by Damage of a type other than Radiant.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The Skeleton takes no damage and Falls Prone. The Skeleton is considered Bloodied until the end of the Encounter.
Str 17 (+10) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 17 (+10)
Con 23 (+13) Int 7 (+5) Cha 7 (+5)
Alignment Languages —
Equipment handaxe
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Halloween Monsters #1
So, it is that time of year. When things go BUMP in the night and children disguise themselves and journey into the darkness in search of treasure. Tasty treasure. So This week, I bring GM's a Treat and a few Tricks, too.
So, I'm sharing with all one of you that read my Blog some of my Halloween themed Monsters. Starting with a skeleton. Also, check back the next few days for new monsters, each day!
Skeleton Lancer Level 4 Soldier
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 175
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 20; Fortitude 17; Reflex 16; Will 15
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant
Initiative +6
Perception +8
Fall and Rise Again
The Skeleton has Resist 5 All while Prone. When the Skeleton Stands up,it has Combat Advantage on its next attack that turn.
Standard Actions
m Lance Strike (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Reach 2; +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 7.
Effect: The Target is Marked until the end of the skeleton's next turn.
M Multi-Thrust (weapon) • Encounter
Attack: Reach 2 (1 random creature in reach.); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 1.
Special: Make this attack 3 times.
Minor Actions
Reassemble • At-Will
Effect: The Skeleton stands up from prone.
Triggered Actions
Fall Apart • At-Will
Trigger: The Skeleton takes more than 10 damage from a single attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Skeleton Falls Prone.
Skills Athletics +11
Str 18 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 12 (+3) Int 6 (+0) Cha 6 (+0)
Alignment evil Languages —
Equipment longspear
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
And I have a higher level version too.
Red Skeleton Lancer Level 14 Soldier
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 1,000
HP 137; Bloodied 69
AC 30; Fortitude 27; Reflex 26; Will 25
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerability 10 radiant
Initiative +14
Perception +15
Fall and Rise Again
The Skeleton has Resist 10 All while Prone. When the Skeleton Stands up,it has Combat Advantage on its next attack that turn.
Standard Actions
m Lance Strike (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Reach 2; +19 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 11.
Effect: The Target is Marked until the end of the skeleton's next turn.
M Multi-Thrust (weapon) • Encounter
Attack: Reach 2 (1 random creature in reach.); +17 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + -1.
Special: Make this attack 3 times.
Minor Actions
Reassemble • At-Will
Effect: The Skeleton stands up from prone.
Triggered Actions
Fall Apart • At-Will
Trigger: The Skeleton takes more than 20 damage from a single attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Skeleton Falls Prone.
Skills Athletics +18
Str 23 (+13) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 17 (+10)
Con 17 (+10) Int 11 (+7) Cha 11 (+7)
Alignment evil Languages —
Equipment longspear
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
So, I'm sharing with all one of you that read my Blog some of my Halloween themed Monsters. Starting with a skeleton. Also, check back the next few days for new monsters, each day!
Skeleton Lancer Level 4 Soldier
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 175
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 20; Fortitude 17; Reflex 16; Will 15
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant
Initiative +6
Perception +8
Fall and Rise Again
The Skeleton has Resist 5 All while Prone. When the Skeleton Stands up,it has Combat Advantage on its next attack that turn.
Standard Actions
m Lance Strike (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Reach 2; +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 7.
Effect: The Target is Marked until the end of the skeleton's next turn.
M Multi-Thrust (weapon) • Encounter
Attack: Reach 2 (1 random creature in reach.); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 1.
Special: Make this attack 3 times.
Minor Actions
Reassemble • At-Will
Effect: The Skeleton stands up from prone.
Triggered Actions
Fall Apart • At-Will
Trigger: The Skeleton takes more than 10 damage from a single attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Skeleton Falls Prone.
Skills Athletics +11
Str 18 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 12 (+3) Int 6 (+0) Cha 6 (+0)
Alignment evil Languages —
Equipment longspear
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
And I have a higher level version too.
Red Skeleton Lancer Level 14 Soldier
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 1,000
HP 137; Bloodied 69
AC 30; Fortitude 27; Reflex 26; Will 25
Speed 6
Immune poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerability 10 radiant
Initiative +14
Perception +15
Fall and Rise Again
The Skeleton has Resist 10 All while Prone. When the Skeleton Stands up,it has Combat Advantage on its next attack that turn.
Standard Actions
m Lance Strike (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Reach 2; +19 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 11.
Effect: The Target is Marked until the end of the skeleton's next turn.
M Multi-Thrust (weapon) • Encounter
Attack: Reach 2 (1 random creature in reach.); +17 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + -1.
Special: Make this attack 3 times.
Minor Actions
Reassemble • At-Will
Effect: The Skeleton stands up from prone.
Triggered Actions
Fall Apart • At-Will
Trigger: The Skeleton takes more than 20 damage from a single attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The Skeleton Falls Prone.
Skills Athletics +18
Str 23 (+13) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 17 (+10)
Con 17 (+10) Int 11 (+7) Cha 11 (+7)
Alignment evil Languages —
Equipment longspear
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Friday, October 26, 2012
The Lack of Updates recently
Well, Stuff happened. Computer went wonky, was sick for most of a week, five important meetings in three days and recovering from each of those events took up a good bit of my time. But the most important thing is that I was doing a bunch of work on a couple of "Super Secret Projects" about which I am unable to talk about, yet. But, I now have time and both of my readers( :P ) will be glad to know I'm going to be updating more regularly for the time being. Starting today. Wish me luck(I'll need it!)
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Creating Archer NPC Monsters
Creating Archer NPC Monsters
Well, I promised that I would discuss the creation and Re-skinning of Archer type Monsters, so here goes.
Well, I have a couple of simple techniques for creating monsters of certain types. Artillery that feel like Archers are notoriously difficult to re-skin from a monster that is not intended as an Archer in the first place. So I tend to build Artillery that I intend as Archers independently of Caster type Artillery and have different types of powers and traits for each. I almost always keep my generic Archer abilities separate from my generic Caster abilities and rarely do I use them together on the same monster. But how do I organize these Abilities??? Custom Monsters, of course! I have several .monster files that are just used as convenient places to keep commonly used Powers and Traits! And this time, I'm providing the first of my Power Repository Files for download by all of you. I'm also providing the complete text as well, below, so that those who are not using the Original Adventure Tools can simply copy/paste the text into whatever you use for monster creation.
Artillery Power Repository Level 1 Artillery
Medium XP 100
HP 22; Bloodied 11
AC 13; Fortitude 13; Reflex 14; Will 13
Speed 6
Initiative +3
Perception +0
Sniper's Eye
This Creature Deals +1D6 per tier Damage on Ranged Attacks against targets within 5 squares of it.
O Protection From Arrows • Aura 1
This Creature and all allies in aura get a +2 bonus to all defenses against ranged and area attacks.
Point Blank
This Creature has a +3 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks triggered by using ranged attacks when threatened.
Standard Actions
R Lightning Arrow (lightning, weapon) • Recharge
Attack: Range 20 (1 Enemy in range); +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 3 Lightning damage and each enemy adjacent to the target takes 5 Lightning damage per tier.
R Twin Shot • Encounter at-will if elite or solo
Effect: Make 2 Basic Ranged Attacks.
R Leg Shot (weapon) • Recharge 4 5 6
Attack: Range 20; +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage and Slowed(Save Ends).
R Dazing Arrow (weapon, lightning) • Encounter
Attack: Range 20; +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 3 lightning damage and target is Dazed until the end of this creature's next turn.
A Rain of Arrows (weapon) • Encounter
Attack: Area burst 1 in 10 (Enemies in burst); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5.
R Shifty Shot (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Range 15/30 (1 creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6.
Effect: This Creature Shifts 1 square before or after the attack.
Free Actions
Ambush Shot • Encounter
Effect: The first ranged attack This Creature makes in the encounter gets a +2 bonus to the attack roll and Deals +1d6 damage per tier if it hits.
Triggered Actions
Arrow of Blood • Recharge
Trigger: An enemy within 10 becomes Bloodied.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Range 10 (The Triggering Enemy.); Make a Basic Ranged Attack against the Target. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Don't Stand So Close to Me • At-Will
Trigger: An enemy makes a melee attack against this creature.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): (the triggering enemy); This Creature Shifts 1 square and makes a basic ranged attack against the triggering enemy.
R Arrow of Friendship (weapon) • Encounter
Trigger: An Ally within 5 squares is hit by an melee attack made by an enemy.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): (The creature making the triggering attack.); This Creature makes a basic ranged attack against the attacking creature. If This Creature's attack hits, the Ally gets a +5 Power Bonus to all defenses against the Triggering Attack.
Str 10 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Artillery Power Repository file
Well, I promised that I would discuss the creation and Re-skinning of Archer type Monsters, so here goes.
Well, I have a couple of simple techniques for creating monsters of certain types. Artillery that feel like Archers are notoriously difficult to re-skin from a monster that is not intended as an Archer in the first place. So I tend to build Artillery that I intend as Archers independently of Caster type Artillery and have different types of powers and traits for each. I almost always keep my generic Archer abilities separate from my generic Caster abilities and rarely do I use them together on the same monster. But how do I organize these Abilities??? Custom Monsters, of course! I have several .monster files that are just used as convenient places to keep commonly used Powers and Traits! And this time, I'm providing the first of my Power Repository Files for download by all of you. I'm also providing the complete text as well, below, so that those who are not using the Original Adventure Tools can simply copy/paste the text into whatever you use for monster creation.
Artillery Power Repository Level 1 Artillery
Medium XP 100
HP 22; Bloodied 11
AC 13; Fortitude 13; Reflex 14; Will 13
Speed 6
Initiative +3
Perception +0
Sniper's Eye
This Creature Deals +1D6 per tier Damage on Ranged Attacks against targets within 5 squares of it.
O Protection From Arrows • Aura 1
This Creature and all allies in aura get a +2 bonus to all defenses against ranged and area attacks.
Point Blank
This Creature has a +3 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks triggered by using ranged attacks when threatened.
Standard Actions
R Lightning Arrow (lightning, weapon) • Recharge
Attack: Range 20 (1 Enemy in range); +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 3 Lightning damage and each enemy adjacent to the target takes 5 Lightning damage per tier.
R Twin Shot • Encounter at-will if elite or solo
Effect: Make 2 Basic Ranged Attacks.
R Leg Shot (weapon) • Recharge 4 5 6
Attack: Range 20; +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 5 damage and Slowed(Save Ends).
R Dazing Arrow (weapon, lightning) • Encounter
Attack: Range 20; +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 3 lightning damage and target is Dazed until the end of this creature's next turn.
A Rain of Arrows (weapon) • Encounter
Attack: Area burst 1 in 10 (Enemies in burst); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5.
R Shifty Shot (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Range 15/30 (1 creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6.
Effect: This Creature Shifts 1 square before or after the attack.
Free Actions
Ambush Shot • Encounter
Effect: The first ranged attack This Creature makes in the encounter gets a +2 bonus to the attack roll and Deals +1d6 damage per tier if it hits.
Triggered Actions
Arrow of Blood • Recharge
Trigger: An enemy within 10 becomes Bloodied.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Range 10 (The Triggering Enemy.); Make a Basic Ranged Attack against the Target. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Don't Stand So Close to Me • At-Will
Trigger: An enemy makes a melee attack against this creature.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): (the triggering enemy); This Creature Shifts 1 square and makes a basic ranged attack against the triggering enemy.
R Arrow of Friendship (weapon) • Encounter
Trigger: An Ally within 5 squares is hit by an melee attack made by an enemy.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): (The creature making the triggering attack.); This Creature makes a basic ranged attack against the attacking creature. If This Creature's attack hits, the Ally gets a +5 Power Bonus to all defenses against the Triggering Attack.
Str 10 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignment Languages —
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
Artillery Power Repository file
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Building and Re-skinning Basics Part 2
Well, I promised everyone techniques for Re-Skinning "Warrior-types" but I realized I needed to talk about another Technique before I got to that. I call it "Race-Swapping".
Basically, "Race-Swapping" is a rather simple thing to do but it can grant you dozens of variants for any NPC style monster. If you've every seen a monster, Custom or not, and lamented "Why did it have to be another Kobold, when I need Halflings"? Well, this technique is for you! So let us get to an example Monster...
Kobold Chemist Level 1 Controller
Small natural humanoid (reptile) XP 100
HP 26; Bloodied 13
AC 15; Fortitude 12; Reflex 13; Will 14
Speed 6
Initiative +1
Perception +0
Trap Sense
The kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
Standard Actions
m Stab • At-Will
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 4.
r Strange Concoction • At-Will
Attack: Range 5/10; +5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + 5.
Effect: Roll a d4. [1]. Poison Damage and Ongoing 2 Poison(Save Ends) [2]: Cold Damage and Slowed (Save Ends) [3]: Acid Damage and -2AC(Save Ends) [4]: Fire Damage and -2 Attack(Save Ends).
Minor Actions
Shifty • At-Will
Effect: The kobold shifts 1 square.
Triggered Actions
C Self Destruct • At-Will
Trigger: The Kobold is reduced to 0HP.
Effect (Free): Close Burst 1 (Creatures in Burst); The Kobold makes a Basic Ranged Attack against each creature in the burst.
Skills Arcana +5, Nature +5
Str 10 (+0) Dex 13 (+1) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Draconic
Equipment dagger, flask (empty) x10
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
A very basic Alchemist style Monster. But, it is a Kobold. How do we get that Halfling we wanted? By "Race-Swapping" of course. To do this, we need to perform a Kobold-ectomy and a Halfling Transplant! First we remove the Kobold Abilities "Trap Sense" and "Shifty". Then we replace them with the Halfling Racial Abilities "Nimble Reaction" and "Second Chance". And here is the result...
Halfling Chemist Level 1 Controller
Small natural humanoid (halfling) XP 100
HP 26; Bloodied 13
AC 15; Fortitude 12; Reflex 13; Will 14
Speed 6
Initiative +1
Perception +0
Nimble Reaction
Halflings gain a +2 racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks.
Standard Actions
m Stab • At-Will
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 4.
r Strange Concoction • At-Will
Attack: Range 5/10; +5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + 5.
Effect: Roll a d4. [1]. Poison Damage and Ongoing 2 Poison(Save Ends) [2]: Cold Damage and Slowed (Save Ends) [3]: Acid Damage and -2AC(Save Ends) [4]: Fire Damage and -2 Attack(Save Ends).
Free Actions
C Self Destruct • At-Will
Trigger: The Halfling is reduced to 0HP.
Effect: Close Burst 1 (Creatures in Burst); The Halfling makes a Basic Ranged Attack against each creature in the burst.
Triggered Actions
Second Chance • Encounter
Trigger: The Halfling is hit by an attack.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The attacker must make a new attack roll and use the new result.
Skills Arcana +5, Nature +5
Str 10 (+0) Dex 13 (+1) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Draconic
Equipment dagger, flask (empty) x10
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
The Monster is mostly unchanged as far as its crunchy mechanics but now has quite a bit of difference in the fluff department. While this technique does change the Mechanics a bit, it mostly does so to support your Story.
Next time, we will be talking about one of the more difficult "Warrior-Types" to make and Re-Skin, The Archer!
Basically, "Race-Swapping" is a rather simple thing to do but it can grant you dozens of variants for any NPC style monster. If you've every seen a monster, Custom or not, and lamented "Why did it have to be another Kobold, when I need Halflings"? Well, this technique is for you! So let us get to an example Monster...
Kobold Chemist Level 1 Controller
Small natural humanoid (reptile) XP 100
HP 26; Bloodied 13
AC 15; Fortitude 12; Reflex 13; Will 14
Speed 6
Initiative +1
Perception +0
Trap Sense
The kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
Standard Actions
m Stab • At-Will
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 4.
r Strange Concoction • At-Will
Attack: Range 5/10; +5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + 5.
Effect: Roll a d4. [1]. Poison Damage and Ongoing 2 Poison(Save Ends) [2]: Cold Damage and Slowed (Save Ends) [3]: Acid Damage and -2AC(Save Ends) [4]: Fire Damage and -2 Attack(Save Ends).
Minor Actions
Shifty • At-Will
Effect: The kobold shifts 1 square.
Triggered Actions
C Self Destruct • At-Will
Trigger: The Kobold is reduced to 0HP.
Effect (Free): Close Burst 1 (Creatures in Burst); The Kobold makes a Basic Ranged Attack against each creature in the burst.
Skills Arcana +5, Nature +5
Str 10 (+0) Dex 13 (+1) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Draconic
Equipment dagger, flask (empty) x10
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
A very basic Alchemist style Monster. But, it is a Kobold. How do we get that Halfling we wanted? By "Race-Swapping" of course. To do this, we need to perform a Kobold-ectomy and a Halfling Transplant! First we remove the Kobold Abilities "Trap Sense" and "Shifty". Then we replace them with the Halfling Racial Abilities "Nimble Reaction" and "Second Chance". And here is the result...
Halfling Chemist Level 1 Controller
Small natural humanoid (halfling) XP 100
HP 26; Bloodied 13
AC 15; Fortitude 12; Reflex 13; Will 14
Speed 6
Initiative +1
Perception +0
Nimble Reaction
Halflings gain a +2 racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks.
Standard Actions
m Stab • At-Will
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 4.
r Strange Concoction • At-Will
Attack: Range 5/10; +5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + 5.
Effect: Roll a d4. [1]. Poison Damage and Ongoing 2 Poison(Save Ends) [2]: Cold Damage and Slowed (Save Ends) [3]: Acid Damage and -2AC(Save Ends) [4]: Fire Damage and -2 Attack(Save Ends).
Free Actions
C Self Destruct • At-Will
Trigger: The Halfling is reduced to 0HP.
Effect: Close Burst 1 (Creatures in Burst); The Halfling makes a Basic Ranged Attack against each creature in the burst.
Triggered Actions
Second Chance • Encounter
Trigger: The Halfling is hit by an attack.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The attacker must make a new attack roll and use the new result.
Skills Arcana +5, Nature +5
Str 10 (+0) Dex 13 (+1) Wis 10 (+0)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Draconic
Equipment dagger, flask (empty) x10
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
The Monster is mostly unchanged as far as its crunchy mechanics but now has quite a bit of difference in the fluff department. While this technique does change the Mechanics a bit, it mostly does so to support your Story.
Next time, we will be talking about one of the more difficult "Warrior-Types" to make and Re-Skin, The Archer!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Building to Re-skin Basics-Part 1
-----Building and Re-skinning Custom Monsters
--Building to Re-skin Basics-Part 1
Re-skining Monsters. A commonly used technique used by many DMs and also commonly written about by many Bloggers. So what can I bring to this rather crowded table? Well, most of those Bloggers talk about the re-skinning of published monsters. I'm going to write about making your own custom monsters so they are easy to re-skin in several ways.
So, how can we do this? Well I have a few techniques for making monsters that are easier to re-skin. I call these techniques "Energy Substitution", "Race Swapping" and the "Random Monster Power Tables". Today I am writing about "Energy Substitution".
Energy Substitution is based on a simple idea: Changing the damage type/s of the monster's powers and resistances. Turn a Fire Elemental into a Cold Elemental...or a Lightning Elemental or a, um, Poison Elemental?! This is a very basic thing you can do and it can easily make sense for many monsters. However, we are making Custom Monsters that we can use this technique on.
So, how about a sample of this concept to discuss before we go further...
Kaos Demon Level 17 Minion Artillery
Medium elemental humanoid (demon) XP 400
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 29; Fortitude 29; Reflex 30; Will 28
Speed 6, fly 6 Hover
Resist 15 fire
Initiative +15
Perception +12
Pure Kaos
When created, the Kaos Demon has a Random Damage Type affinity. The Kaos Demon has Resist 15 to that type and all damage it deals is of the type it has an Affinity for. This Kaos Demon has Fire Affinity.
Standard Actions
m Kaos Strike (fire) • At-Will
Attack: +24 vs. AC
Hit: 15 Fire Damage.
r Kaos Shot (fire) • At-Will
Attack: Range 20 (1 creature in range); +22 vs. Reflex
Hit: 20 Fire Damage.
Skills Athletics +18, Endurance +17, Intimidate +17
Str 21 (+13) Dex 24 (+15) Wis 18 (+12)
Con 18 (+12) Int 18 (+12) Cha 18 (+12)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Giant, Common
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
So, we have what appears at first to be a Fire Monster. But WAIT! Check the "Pure Kaos" trait. This is just a sample of what this monster can be. This monster can be easily re-skinned by changing its Damage type Affinity. So we just swap out "Fire" for "Cold" or "Lightning" or even "Psychic" or what ever damage type you want. Easy as Pie. This Technique is most effective on monsters that have either a unified energy type(Elementals for example) or a variety of powers that have different energy types(Casters and similar).
But what do you do with the "Warrior" types? I'll discuss techniques for use with those next time.
--Building to Re-skin Basics-Part 1
Re-skining Monsters. A commonly used technique used by many DMs and also commonly written about by many Bloggers. So what can I bring to this rather crowded table? Well, most of those Bloggers talk about the re-skinning of published monsters. I'm going to write about making your own custom monsters so they are easy to re-skin in several ways.
So, how can we do this? Well I have a few techniques for making monsters that are easier to re-skin. I call these techniques "Energy Substitution", "Race Swapping" and the "Random Monster Power Tables". Today I am writing about "Energy Substitution".
Energy Substitution is based on a simple idea: Changing the damage type/s of the monster's powers and resistances. Turn a Fire Elemental into a Cold Elemental...or a Lightning Elemental or a, um, Poison Elemental?! This is a very basic thing you can do and it can easily make sense for many monsters. However, we are making Custom Monsters that we can use this technique on.
So, how about a sample of this concept to discuss before we go further...
Kaos Demon Level 17 Minion Artillery
Medium elemental humanoid (demon) XP 400
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 29; Fortitude 29; Reflex 30; Will 28
Speed 6, fly 6 Hover
Resist 15 fire
Initiative +15
Perception +12
Pure Kaos
When created, the Kaos Demon has a Random Damage Type affinity. The Kaos Demon has Resist 15 to that type and all damage it deals is of the type it has an Affinity for. This Kaos Demon has Fire Affinity.
Standard Actions
m Kaos Strike (fire) • At-Will
Attack: +24 vs. AC
Hit: 15 Fire Damage.
r Kaos Shot (fire) • At-Will
Attack: Range 20 (1 creature in range); +22 vs. Reflex
Hit: 20 Fire Damage.
Skills Athletics +18, Endurance +17, Intimidate +17
Str 21 (+13) Dex 24 (+15) Wis 18 (+12)
Con 18 (+12) Int 18 (+12) Cha 18 (+12)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Giant, Common
© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.
So, we have what appears at first to be a Fire Monster. But WAIT! Check the "Pure Kaos" trait. This is just a sample of what this monster can be. This monster can be easily re-skinned by changing its Damage type Affinity. So we just swap out "Fire" for "Cold" or "Lightning" or even "Psychic" or what ever damage type you want. Easy as Pie. This Technique is most effective on monsters that have either a unified energy type(Elementals for example) or a variety of powers that have different energy types(Casters and similar).
But what do you do with the "Warrior" types? I'll discuss techniques for use with those next time.
Monday, August 27, 2012
He's Making a List...#1: Sample Art Objects
Well, I thought I'd start off with a list I've been working on for years, a Sample Art Objects list! I've been influenced by several threads and posts on this subject over the years and wanted to finally publish a compilation of all the best of those ideas in one place. Before I start, I did not make all of these items but they were too good to not to have on this List. If you are the maker of any of these art object ideas, let me know in the comments and I'll add you to the credits for this post. I do not mean to take credit for anything I did not create myself, I just want to let Gamers know about interesting and cool ideas.
Alrighty, lets get to the list....
A GM's Guide to Art Objects: Sample Art Objects for all Price Levels
*****Less Than 55GP*****
--Back-Issue of Play-Orc(10GP)
--Crude but accurate Drawing of Nude Female(10GP)
--Lovingly Crafted Child's Toy Dragon(15GP)
--Intricately Carved Wooden Amulet(20GP)
--Booklet: "Cursing in any Language" Translations and pronunciations for most Swear-Words in many common and a few uncommon Languages.(25GP)
--Collectable Orcish Beggar Statuette(30GP)
--Wooden Puppet or Marionette made by locally known Puppet-maker early in his/her career(40GP)
--Book: "Teh Tails ov Scragg Elfcrusher" This short book has only badly drawn pictures in it.(12GP)
--Roughly cut Wooden Flute. sounds rather like an Owl(8GP)
--Painting: Still Life of Fruit in Bowl. The Pear looks kind of odd.(60GP)
--Board Game: Carved from Common Wood, Maple vs Ash(58GP)
--Jerkin with Name of Famous Bard on it.(59GP)
--Jerkin with Heraldry and Family Motto of Famous Knight on it.(68GP)
--Jerkin with Name and Win-Loss Record of Famous Gladiator on it.(56GP)
--Pair of Engraved Silver-Plated Iron Wedding Bands(78GP for Set)
--Detailed Statue of a Monkey(75GP)
--Brass Locket with a small note inside(80GP for Locket only)
--Book: "The Social and Mating Habits of the Common Basilisk" This Book is permanently held open to page 34 by a petrified Humanoid Hand.(95GP)
--Pair of Silvered Shot Glasses: Bears the logo of "The Laughing Dragon Inn and Tavern"(100GP for Set)
--Play script: "Grog Blood-Grunt and Almasia Elvario" This Play is about the love between the Half-Orc Son of an Orc Chief and the Daughter of of an Elven Noble. Very Tragic.(105GP)
--Back-Issue of Play-Elf, unfortunately Missing Centerfold(107GP)
--Solid Silver Simple Wedding Band(112GP)
--Dining Room Chair made from Teak or Redwood(110GP)
--Well made Supple Leather Gloves(125GP for set)
--Wooden Stand-Up of Famous Adventurer(150GP)
--Pair of Engraved Gold-Plated Iron Wedding Bands(200GP)
--Painting: Topless Female Dwarf(200GP)
--Musical Instrument: One-Man Band Contraption(240GP)
--Painting: Tasteful Nude of Famous Male Bard(Worth 260GP but only to one of his Fan-girls)
--Painting: Dark Naga at Rest, Painted from Life(270GP)
--Pair of Quality Silk Gloves(275GP)
--Teak or Redwood Dining Table, seats six.(300GP)
--Board Game: Carved from Darkwood(350GP)
--Game or Sport: Complete Set of the Kobold Skull-Skull game, made from goblin Skulls(314GP)
--Book: "A Beginners Guide to Revenge the Gnomish Way!" This Book is about Gnome Humor, especially tricks and Pranks.(350GP)
--Puppet or Marionette made from Darkwood(350GP)
--Really, Really Comfy Armchair(400GP)
--Enchanted Quill: Automatically corrects most spelling and punctuation errors when used to write with in Common.(450GP)
--Painting: Bathing Elf-Maiden looking over her shoulder at the viewer while reaching for her bow.(500GP)
--Silk Dress trimmed with lace(550GP)
--Musical Instrument: Fancy Bass Drum with harness and Drumsticks.(358GP)
--Dwarven Tapestry: Dwarves vs Orcs(550GP)
--Set of 12 Books: "Dwarven Drinking Songs about Gold: The Essential Collection." Includes the lyrics to such favorites as "Gold, Gold, Gold", "GOOOOOOLD, Gold", and "Gold, Gold, *BURP* Gold, *Retch*"!(600GP)
--Really, Really Comfy Reclining Armchair(650GP)
--Painting:Nude Female Eladrin/High Elf/Nymph(700GP)
--Enchanted Quill: Automatically translates from Common to one other Language and vice versa.(689GP)
--musical Instrument: Huge Golden Harp(700GP)
--Board Game: Carved from Marble(800GP)
--Large Gemstone(900GP)
--Painting: Nude Female Celestial, seated with arms and legs crossed so nothing interesting can be seen.(1,000GP)
--Painting: Nude Erinyes or Succubus. Very Lewd, Nothing left to the imagination.(1,050GP)
--Painting: Blue or Bronze Dragon Breathing Lightning(1,200GP)
--Crushed Velvet Hat with a Feather plucked from a Celestial or Erinyes or Vrock by the previous owner.(1,400GP)
--Royal Throne(1,500GP)
--Huge Gemstone(2,100GP)
--King-Size Bed, Very Comfortable(3,000GP)
--Lifesized Statue of an Ancient Ruler(4,00GP)
--Massive Gemstone(6,000GP)
--Board Game: Pieces adorned with real gemstones.(7,000GP)
--Stylish carriage, Hold four Medium Humanoids(7,500GP)
--Painting: Depicts a well-known Female NPC Topless. Produced to pay for an outstanding debt to the artist's client.(10,000GP)
--Board Game: Ruby Pieces vs Sapphire Pieces(14,000GP)
--Statue: Topless Elf-Maiden(15,000GP)
--Titanic Gemstone(40,000GP)
--Enchanted Petrified Eladrin/High Elf "Slave-Girl". Comes with Command-Words for Un-Petrifying, Re-Petrifying and Disciplining. She is Nude, of course.(70,000GP)
--Castle Carved from or Tiled entirely with Marble.(100,000GP)
--Freaking, Huge Gemstone. Currently used as a footstool in a Giant's Lair.(500,000GP)
--Painting: Nude of Minor Goddess in the Campaign World. Just knowing that it exists can get you ex-communicated from her Church! But, you've gotta admit it, She's hot enough to make this painting worth that small penalty*Wink,Wink*(10,000,000GP at the very least!)
Alrighty, lets get to the list....
A GM's Guide to Art Objects: Sample Art Objects for all Price Levels
*****Less Than 55GP*****
--Back-Issue of Play-Orc(10GP)
--Crude but accurate Drawing of Nude Female(10GP)
--Lovingly Crafted Child's Toy Dragon(15GP)
--Intricately Carved Wooden Amulet(20GP)
--Booklet: "Cursing in any Language" Translations and pronunciations for most Swear-Words in many common and a few uncommon Languages.(25GP)
--Collectable Orcish Beggar Statuette(30GP)
--Wooden Puppet or Marionette made by locally known Puppet-maker early in his/her career(40GP)
--Book: "Teh Tails ov Scragg Elfcrusher" This short book has only badly drawn pictures in it.(12GP)
--Roughly cut Wooden Flute. sounds rather like an Owl(8GP)
--Painting: Still Life of Fruit in Bowl. The Pear looks kind of odd.(60GP)
--Board Game: Carved from Common Wood, Maple vs Ash(58GP)
--Jerkin with Name of Famous Bard on it.(59GP)
--Jerkin with Heraldry and Family Motto of Famous Knight on it.(68GP)
--Jerkin with Name and Win-Loss Record of Famous Gladiator on it.(56GP)
--Pair of Engraved Silver-Plated Iron Wedding Bands(78GP for Set)
--Detailed Statue of a Monkey(75GP)
--Brass Locket with a small note inside(80GP for Locket only)
--Book: "The Social and Mating Habits of the Common Basilisk" This Book is permanently held open to page 34 by a petrified Humanoid Hand.(95GP)
--Pair of Silvered Shot Glasses: Bears the logo of "The Laughing Dragon Inn and Tavern"(100GP for Set)
--Play script: "Grog Blood-Grunt and Almasia Elvario" This Play is about the love between the Half-Orc Son of an Orc Chief and the Daughter of of an Elven Noble. Very Tragic.(105GP)
--Back-Issue of Play-Elf, unfortunately Missing Centerfold(107GP)
--Solid Silver Simple Wedding Band(112GP)
--Dining Room Chair made from Teak or Redwood(110GP)
--Well made Supple Leather Gloves(125GP for set)
--Wooden Stand-Up of Famous Adventurer(150GP)
--Pair of Engraved Gold-Plated Iron Wedding Bands(200GP)
--Painting: Topless Female Dwarf(200GP)
--Musical Instrument: One-Man Band Contraption(240GP)
--Painting: Tasteful Nude of Famous Male Bard(Worth 260GP but only to one of his Fan-girls)
--Painting: Dark Naga at Rest, Painted from Life(270GP)
--Pair of Quality Silk Gloves(275GP)
--Teak or Redwood Dining Table, seats six.(300GP)
--Board Game: Carved from Darkwood(350GP)
--Game or Sport: Complete Set of the Kobold Skull-Skull game, made from goblin Skulls(314GP)
--Book: "A Beginners Guide to Revenge the Gnomish Way!" This Book is about Gnome Humor, especially tricks and Pranks.(350GP)
--Puppet or Marionette made from Darkwood(350GP)
--Really, Really Comfy Armchair(400GP)
--Enchanted Quill: Automatically corrects most spelling and punctuation errors when used to write with in Common.(450GP)
--Painting: Bathing Elf-Maiden looking over her shoulder at the viewer while reaching for her bow.(500GP)
--Silk Dress trimmed with lace(550GP)
--Musical Instrument: Fancy Bass Drum with harness and Drumsticks.(358GP)
--Dwarven Tapestry: Dwarves vs Orcs(550GP)
--Set of 12 Books: "Dwarven Drinking Songs about Gold: The Essential Collection." Includes the lyrics to such favorites as "Gold, Gold, Gold", "GOOOOOOLD, Gold", and "Gold, Gold, *BURP* Gold, *Retch*"!(600GP)
--Really, Really Comfy Reclining Armchair(650GP)
--Painting:Nude Female Eladrin/High Elf/Nymph(700GP)
--Enchanted Quill: Automatically translates from Common to one other Language and vice versa.(689GP)
--musical Instrument: Huge Golden Harp(700GP)
--Board Game: Carved from Marble(800GP)
--Large Gemstone(900GP)
--Painting: Nude Female Celestial, seated with arms and legs crossed so nothing interesting can be seen.(1,000GP)
--Painting: Nude Erinyes or Succubus. Very Lewd, Nothing left to the imagination.(1,050GP)
--Painting: Blue or Bronze Dragon Breathing Lightning(1,200GP)
--Crushed Velvet Hat with a Feather plucked from a Celestial or Erinyes or Vrock by the previous owner.(1,400GP)
--Royal Throne(1,500GP)
--Huge Gemstone(2,100GP)
--King-Size Bed, Very Comfortable(3,000GP)
--Lifesized Statue of an Ancient Ruler(4,00GP)
--Massive Gemstone(6,000GP)
--Board Game: Pieces adorned with real gemstones.(7,000GP)
--Stylish carriage, Hold four Medium Humanoids(7,500GP)
--Painting: Depicts a well-known Female NPC Topless. Produced to pay for an outstanding debt to the artist's client.(10,000GP)
--Board Game: Ruby Pieces vs Sapphire Pieces(14,000GP)
--Statue: Topless Elf-Maiden(15,000GP)
--Titanic Gemstone(40,000GP)
--Enchanted Petrified Eladrin/High Elf "Slave-Girl". Comes with Command-Words for Un-Petrifying, Re-Petrifying and Disciplining. She is Nude, of course.(70,000GP)
--Castle Carved from or Tiled entirely with Marble.(100,000GP)
--Freaking, Huge Gemstone. Currently used as a footstool in a Giant's Lair.(500,000GP)
--Painting: Nude of Minor Goddess in the Campaign World. Just knowing that it exists can get you ex-communicated from her Church! But, you've gotta admit it, She's hot enough to make this painting worth that small penalty*Wink,Wink*(10,000,000GP at the very least!)
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Welcome to my Blog type thingy
As it says, welcome to the Blog of the one and only Generic Fighter. So a little about me and what I'll be trying to do with this Blog. My primary goal for this Blog is to relearn all those writing skills I've let slip over the years. As for why I am doing this with the Blog, I want to be a game designer someday. So I need practice for that. So most of what I will be writing about will be stuff about game design and stuff I've designed for games. I will also be writing about various gaming related topics, too. Basically, the goals of this Blog are to provide interesting and useful things for gamers of various types and to get my skills at writing and designing game related things up to the point that I can make a living off my design work! This may take a while!
So, anywho, I'm going to try to have a Post up soon.
-----My Gaming Background
Been playing D&D since early 3.0 edition and was
originally reluctant to try 4.0. But had the most fun I ever had
DMing the Release Game-day, so changed my mind. Been a solid
supporter of 4.0 since! And will most likely continue to do so. I'm
known as Generic Fighter on the forums/DDI and am known as some form
of that name over the rest of the Inter-Webs. I currently DM two D&D
4E games, one Face to Face and one online, and am preparing to run my
first Play-By-Post game, also D&D 4E. I am currently a regular player on the Guildhall Podcast where I play Truth, the Gender-Confused Tiefling Bard.
I got started in gaming through Video Games, though. I am a great lover of old school video games from the 8-Bit and 16-Bit eras. Some of my favorite Video Games include Mega Man 2&4, Final Fantasy 6, Dragon Warrior/Quest 4, 7&9, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Final Fantasy Tactics, The Legend of Zelda and Kingdom Hearts 1&2.
-----General Random Info about me
Age: 34 years, 11 Months, 1 day , at the time of this post
Gender: Male
Race: Human Being, I think
Current Occupation: Professional Volunteer (No you still do not get paid, even when that IS your Job:P )
Current Location: My Parents a small town in Pennsylvania, USA
Favorite Fiction Book: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Favorite Non-Fiction Book: Some kind of Atlas of the world
Favorite Gaming Book: The D&D 4th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide 2
Favorite Podcast: 20-Sided Death Actual Play Podcast
Favorite PC I've ever Played: thog, Half-Orc Monk
Favorite Food: Beef Jerky
Favorite Food I can actually make: Sloppy Joes
So, anywho, I'm going to try to have a Post up soon.
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